University Student Job Classifications

Student job classification levels are:

Level I

Entry level positions requiring basic skills attained through on the job training. No previous work experience or coursework required. Responsibilities may require the application of basic organizational or technical knowledge, operation of simple equipment or performing routine tasks. Very little independent decision making with regular supervision.

Level II

Requires basic skills acquired through some previous work experience, training and/or completion of related coursework. Responsibilities may require the application of basic organizational and/or more technical knowledge, operation and accountability for more complex equipment or performing routine tasks. Some independent decision making and supervision of other student employees or volunteers with daily on site supervision.

Level III

Moderately developed specific skills, significant work experience and/or completion of related upper-level coursework required. Responsibilities may include data analysis, independent supervision or coordination of programs and/or projects involving complex equipment or analysis of data. Other responsibilities can include regular supervision of other student employees and limited on site supervision.

Level IV

Highly developed specific skills, completion of related graduate-level coursework or significant previous work experience and training required. Responsibilities can include regular independent supervision and/or coordination of programs and/or projects involving highly complex equipment, analysis of data. Other responsibilities include day to day supervision of student employees, regular independent decision making. The decisions of students in these positions could affect the total operation and success of a project or program. Limited, if any, supervision.

To view specific position information, including classification levels and typical tasks, visit Workday.